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About Us

Mission Statment

Saaiban Marketing Network serves with the most advanced services by providing great strategic marketing and selling deals. Saaiban marketing network is the name of advancement and ease for people, builders and developers across the industry. Saaiban’s mission is to provide a marketing strategy develops after complete assessment of a project so, the people can have a clear and real evidence to build their decision. The moto of the Saaiban is to devise a marketing plan not for the buyers but for the developers that generate great profit and further success. Our consultant services are equipped with the updated marketing trends that aim to make the buyer aware of recent developments in the specific arena. The main emphasis of the organization is to keep a close eye on the curent happening in the real estate sector and promotes the projects with the actual and feasible potential of transforming the outlook of country into modern sophisticated state meeting international standards.

About Us

The organization is proudly providing a comprehensive roadmap to real estate success, it is emerging as the fastest developing professional marketing solution agency of Pakistan. Its team is comprised of highly experienced and qualified professionals who are equally capable of innovative market strategies and the ways to implement them. With the team of successful marketing and advertising practitioners, Saaiban group has earned an exceptional reputation and a series of successful achievements.  This Saaiban Marketing Network firm has contributed a great deal in the real estate marketing sector in Pakistan.  This organization is the real practitioner in the market and believer of the approach based upon customer satisfaction, our plans and methodology has all the necessary tools, resources and strategies necessary to build a real estate experience.


As the pioneer in the field of real estate marketing, Saaiban has set the popular marketing trends that are actually following by the new comers in the field because their creative marketing concepts and schemes have proved to be a big success in the field. Real estate developers and builders have attracted towards Lakhani due to their innovative strategies and marketing tool that surely bring the results. The human resource are fully equipped and experienced as they have achieved enormous accomplishments through marketing some prestigious commercial and residential projects in different cities of Pakistan including the main hub Karachi. Our network is connected with the overseas marketing associations of USA, Canada, Europe and Gulf. The Saaiban has transformed into a credible and renowned real estate marketing organization in the sector after accomplishing numerous milestones and completing popular projects.

Management Committ

Why us?

We have productively and profitably worked to achieve many successful residential and commercial projects across Pakistan through our creative marketing style. Our accomplishments are highly recognized because of flawless marketing conceptions and its implementation through utilizing advertisement strategies. All these efforts have turned the Saaiban into a popular brand leader equipped with experience and expertise. In the real state domain, our Saaiban has served numerous prestigious clients with the specialized marketing tactics and tools that always bring positive results. Our advertisement campaigns are known for result orientation, compelling content and highly focused goals and through these strategies, Saaiban has become the largest service provider and modern solution to the real estate industry.


We have developed a marketing and promotion system that strategizes related queries and its solution in the field of advertisement for real estate projects. Our services and guidence is presented at every step of marketing mechanism that is designed for the purpose, the Saaiban is providing the following:

  • Marketing and selling responsibilities and consultancy services especially in the field of Real-Estate.
  • Consultancy and Marketing services for various promotional and public relations campaigns on behalf of its clients.
  • Market research, surveys and forecasts especially in the field of Real-Estate.

A Basic Requirement

During recent time, marketing is inevitable for all the schemes to be effectively accomplished, projects must have productive marketing strategy, design and its professional implementation so, it could be a risk free plan with the aspiration of increasing sale. The Saaiban assures:

  • Smooth sale of the units.
  • A regular recovery from the buyers.
  • More importantly, no cash flow problems for the Developers.

An arrangement of nationwide offices

We have developed the biggest network of real estate marketing offices in Pakistan where numerous experts and marketing professionals are the part of this domain working nationwide:

• Islamabad • Karachi • Lahore • Multan • Faisalabad • Peshawar • Quetta • Hyderabad

Across Time Zones

When a scheme is launched across the country as well as across the globe then ultimately it requires specialized dealing and handling because there are different time zones in the world like when it is sunny in New York but Pakistani’s are fast asleep therefore, the Saaiban has worked and came up with the special 24 hours helpline to address the needs of the overseas Pakistani living in multiple timing zone.

Marketing Associates

Our marketing network has carried out a network nation wide to affiliate other marketing associates who are in the process of development, it is an attempt to harmonize the system to add strength of the Saaiban and creates a mechanism for value added residential and commercial real estate solution.

Global Representatives

Internationally, we have standardized global network of our Saaiban’s overseas representatives responsible of providing enhanced and professional marketing support services for different schemes, programs and projects

These representatives operate from: • Saudi Arabia • U.A.E. • Kuwait • Bahrain • Oman • Canada • U.S.A. • U.K.

The Two-In -One Edge

We are highly proficient in formulating marketing strategies and techniques as well as providing advertisement consultancy simultaneously, we are equally able to prepare cost effective media plan along with:

  • Designing Print Media advertisements
  • Creating TV Commercials
  • Tp Prepare innovative newspapers Supplements
  • Designing and preparing Brochures

 • Providing a number of out-of-the-box solutions for achieving great results.

Media & PR Power

It is highly recommended for creating a brand image through different mediums as recently, it is a powerful source to deliver any message to the massses. Our company is capable of handling PR and media campaign with the most reputable journalists if Pakistan. Some tried and tested media startegies are:

  • News-style Coverage
  • Feature-style Supplements
  • Front page-style Infomercials
  • Documentaries with Testimonials
  • Effective Press Conferences

Gathering and Events

Saaiban is quite aware about the social connection and gatherings for propagating their projects and presenting different aspects to the selected segments of buyers as gathering, events and other BTL activities are highly important for maintaining direct communication with the customers that pave the way for better understanding and trusteeship. Events include:

  • Seminars
  • Media Briefings
  • Corporate Hi-Tea Events
  • Site Entertainment Events

Talking Directly To The Buyer

The organization has the expertise to correspond directly with the buyers; this marketing organization has stood in the field with its capability of talking to national and international clients. It has a wide variety of data of satisfied customers which is helpful in promotion of business among prospective clients and buyers. The Saaiban has an active network and comprehensive method to promote and spread the information about the opportunity and update them regarding the developmental process.

Using The Internet Tool

To stand prominent in the field, it is very necessary to establish and develop a website which can promote and market virtual image of the business, Saaiban Marketing Network website is also a popular and high traffic diverter with thousands of hit per day. The site is loaded with complete information related to evey emerging venture. The information contains:

  • Downloading and Viewing of Site Map
  • Online Application
  • Online Brochure
  • Online submission of Application
  • Online booking facility
  • Online Payment schedule and its status
  • General Queries


With the popularity and adoption of telemarketing notion, Saaiban has gathered a team of highly motivated and trained telemarketing staff who are always available on the alert 24/7 for every project.  Their objective is to approach prospective clients, builders and buyers and to satisfy their queries, along with the back up support to the permanant clients, investors and developers among the field

Beyond Marketing

Our team’s achievements can be judged by the sales figure and revenue generation which is usually the main concern of any company but we have more to consider and comprehend. These aspects are:

  • Brand Image
  • Repute
  • Public acceptability
  • The power to launch more successful projects


Saaiban Marketing Network groups have established a network of offices on national and international level which is the evidence of their consistent efforts and successful marketing accomplishment. All these offices are quite renowned for delivering highly expert and dedicated services to their customers within the country and across the world. There are eleven Saaiban offices situated within Pakistan providing specialized services through professionals marketing experts. Their operations and working is making its place in the sector and becoming a prior choice of people in major cities of Pakistan. 

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